
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The 50 Most Terrifying Roller Coasters Ever Built

50 most terrifying roller coastersDespite this being the busiest I've ever been in my life with the least amount of free time I've still been able to finish and publish two books (with two more in the works). Earlier I finished Once I was Adopted, a children's picture book about adopting our dog Conan told through fun rhymes. Now I've published The 50 Most Terrifying Roller Coasters Ever Built. From initial idea to publication was about four weeks. I used an Excel spreadsheet, macro, and outsourced work to a virtual assistant in order to complete it so quickly.

So what's it about? Mega roller coasters of today reach heights of over 400 feet and speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour. Roller coasters towering taller than a certain height are terrifying for many individuals but it would be boring to simply make a list of the world’s tallest coasters. As a result, most of the bone-chilling machines in this list do not use sheer height to terrify, but instead prey on our fears and emotions in other, more creative ways. One element alone may not make a ride terrifying but the sum of all of its parts does. What factors make a roller coaster terrifying? Height, speed, inversions, backwards segments, unique track elements, darkness, and unexpected surprises all contribute to making your head spin and your knees tremble.

millennium force terrifying coaster

What are my next book ideas? One is about Excel spreadsheets and the other focuses on a specific theme park attraction.

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